Tuesday 10 December 2013

Carrot Cake.

Last Friday at Brownies, we put on a Christmas Carol Concert to all the parents. One of my friends who I volunteer with had her fiancĂ© make a carrot cake for us to sell, and it's amazing! 

So, having finished serving teas and coffees, I went to get some cake for us leaders to share before the second half of our Carol Concert started. 

There was one bit of carrot cake left. Never have I moved so fast for cake.

One square, four leaders, we didn't care! We were just happy we'd managed to get a mouthful each. 

Today, I met said friend for "Tuesday Tea" and she bought me a slice of carrot cake! A whole slice of carrot cake!

I ate it at lunch, along with a spinach and ricotta slice as it's been a while since I had breakfast.

Pre-meal: 11.7 (not a great start!)
10 units of novorapid for pastry and cake, plus correction.
3 hours post-meal: 10.5 (looking good!)
On leaving campus to go home: 6.5.


Now I've celebrated and documented this victory, I'm now actually going to leave campus and go home!

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